2.4.0 - 04/11/14
- ability to specify custom reference file via the /config commandline parameter
- several minor bug fixes
- speedup
- bug fixes
- setting cursor in the code editor according to selected element in the graphic view
- fixed incorrect displaying of namespaces
- fixed crash when saving a project with insufficient rights to write
- fixed dragging a text in the code editor
- several minor bug fixes
- internal changes in bug reporting feature
- changed design of some forms
- creating backups reworked
- improved installer
- support for some Windows 7 features
- bug fixes
- bug fix in XML parsing
- automatic synchronization between visual view and code view
- new XML parser
- contextual help heavily improved
- new file comparing
- error reporting feature
- automatically check for updates
- new configuration schema
- bug fixes in graphic editor
- lower memory usage when working with large files
- automatic files saving
- support for custom background color of the graphic editor
- print support added
- ability to validate the XML document against DTD or XML Schema
- support of XSL Transformations
- files comparison now opens in a new dialog instead of a tab
- fixed bugs when opening and creating files
- some UI changes (graphics)
- ability to have several files opened simultaneously
- files can be managed in a project
- autocompletion help (IntelliSense)
- file compare function with highlighting differences
- nodes of a XML document can be shown as "bubbles" or in a text form
- ability to specify the attributes to be inserted
- fixed crash bug when changing the value of an attribute
- nodes moving improved
- nodes highlighting improved
- ability to insert nodes using drag-and-drop technique
- undo and redo added
- ability to check for updates
- ability to reformat document
- fixed bug in text editor causing crash of the application
- new text editor
- fixed crash bug while running on Windows Vista x64
- several minor bugs fixed
- improved stability and speed
- ability to search-filter the list of nodes
- first release